Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Back from Florence, at least 3 kilos heavier. One of the best experiences of my life, teaching and drawing in front of 150 people- if you can call what I did 'teaching'. And meeting many wonderful people- artists, designers, teachers, even the president of florence, briefly. He gave us a prize, which seemed a touch surreal...we ate the best steak in florence at a restaurant called 'perseus'- the chef ambles out of the kitchen, grabs a lunk of meat from the overloaded cartful in the middle of the restaurant, lumbers back in and crafts the tastiest bloodiest steak I've had...mmm. Drawing and sculpting in front of an audience was nerve wracking- in a fun, productive way. Alex and I did sessions on story, animation, character design- and when we stopped doing that we ate and were carried around the city by our Florentine host Luca with aplomb. What a delight. Luca, you're a star- I'm coming back. and to you students out there- you were great. JP


Unknown said...

Sounds like fun! Great sketch! I'm really glad to see you're surving as an artist with kids, my wife and I are having our first later this year and I'm worried I'll never have time to draw. There's even talk of putting the crib in my studio! Sorry...don't mean to panic on your blog. That sentance wouldn't have made sense 20 years ago. In fact it probably would've sounded vulgar.

JP said...

hey, congratulations! you'll survive just fine...I try to get up before the kids to do some work (I usually fail) and I'm often up late. So yes, you will be more tired, but you'll be happy.

Anonymous said...

I was there among the students, and you were great. Bri